Monday, March 14, 2022

Group Meetings

Today we formed groups to discuss our projects and give ideas to each other. With the minds of more than just... me, I can overcome my biggest problem right now. Well, I have multiple problems like the shot angles, editing software and others, but most importantly, THE SONG. Surprisingly, they liked my project. Sabrina and Sasha were very informative with providing information about which websites I can use to find non copyrighted music. 

Sasha suggested that I use and to look up sad songs for the project. But Sabrina with how helpful she is... asked her dad, who is a sound creator. She said that he could make me a song for free which is awesome, but I told her that it might be too much work for him. Additionally, she suggested that I could use YouTube Music to look up songs because they're non- copyrighted. 

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